![warrior graphic (smaller).jpg](https://0886b292c3-custmedia.vresp.com/library/1287157700/0132e9c42a/warrior%20graphic%20%28smaller%29.jpg)
I will be a Warrior in the army of God.
The Lord Jesus Christ will be my commanding officer; I will fight for His cause.
I will salute my King, obey His orders, praise His name, and build His Kingdom.
Faith, Prayer, and the Bible will be the weapons of my warfare.
I will be guided and trained by the Holy Spirit.
I will be a Warrior.
I will not be discouraged enough to give up. I will not lose enough to quit.
Demons will not defeat me. People will not disillusion me.
Money will not buy me. Sexual temptation will not overcome me.
Governments will not silence me. Even death will not destroy me.
I will be a Warrior.
I will faithfully give of my time, my possessions, my money, and my talents.
I will love my neighbor. I will be a good citizen of my community and my country.
I will guide and protect my family. I will be the leader I’m commanded to be.
I will be a man of courage, boldness, faith, and integrity.
I will learn; I will grow; I will fight; and I will win.
I will be a Warrior.
Many people right now are trying to decide "what they want to be" for Halloween or their Fall Festivals. Some of us need to figure out what we want to be in real life. For me there are many things, at the top of the list is to be a Warrior...