Written to and for the Believers of whom I have had the privilege of knowing,
I am a fan of apologetics-and I'm not referring to the cheesy band that changes the lyrics of popular secular songs to make them "Christian lyrics" (whatever that means). I love the study and practice of Biblical apologetics.
Contrary to what many think, apologetics doesn't have anything to do with apologies or apologizing. It comes from the Greek word, apologia, which means "in defense of." In apologetics, we don't say, "I'm sorry for what I believe," rather we may say, "this is why I believe what I believe..."
This brings up a question, do you know why you believe what you believe? A popular verse about this topic is found in 1 Peter 3:15:
"...but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence..."
Pondering that passage, may I ask you a few questions:
* Is Jesus Lord in your heart? Some of us like Jesus as Savior, but not as Lord. If He saves you from sin and death, then He also saves you to righteousness and life. (Rom. 6) Let's not waver back and forth, being "lukewarm." (Rev. 3:16, Luke 11:23)
* If He is Lord, then do you have an answer for those who want to know why? If you don't have an answer or aren't sure how to respond to the skeptic or atheist when questioned about your faith, you should consider studying and growing in your understanding. Maybe you could grab a book, go to a conference(s), or meet with a mentor or pastor to learn more about defending your faith. (2 Tim. 2:16) And you should definitely ask God for wisdom and His Spirit's guidance as you speak. (James 1:5, Isaiah 50:4-5)
* If He is Lord, AND you have an answer for your faith, the question then becomes about whether you are giving your responses with gentleness and reverence? Some of us attack those to whom we are defending our faith or we come across as arrogant when we provide our answers. Let me challenge you to "speak truth in love" "letting our conversations build up" "showing compassion in all that we do." (Ephesians 4:15, 1 Thessalonians 5:11, John 13:34)
* If He is Lord in your heart AND you have the answers for your faith AND you defend your faith with gentleness, love, and reverence, then come teach me!
As believers, may we "study to show ourselves approved workmen of God who need not be ashamed" and let us "be ready to give an answer for our faith." God bless.